The first step before the production and installation of the continuous industrial flooring is to know the final use that such flooring will have.
Based on the use that the flooring will have, the characteristics to which it will have to conform will be determined, such as the necessary chemical or mechanical resistance, the hygienic and aseptic qualities, etc..
The use and the characteristics will provide the necessary knowledge to bet on a continuous industrial flooring or other . For example, if high mechanical strength is required, glossy flooring is a possible option; if a high anti-slip index is required, trowelling may be sufficient.
The second step after deciding which continuous finish to use will be to carry out a evaluation of the foundation where the chosen finish will be installed.
This assessment of the state of the lower surface is a necessary task to know the existence of deterioration of the foundations, in case it is necessary to carry out a repair.
It is essential to check that there are no cracks, chips or dirty
If the substrate has any kind of grease or paint, it must be cleaned and left uncontaminated. Otherwise, any residue could prevent the continuous flooring from being applied correctly.
Furthermore the substrate must have a high tensile strength and must have been laid for at least 28 days.
It is common that the substrate has expansion or contraction joints and cracks. In this case, these must be opened and filled completely with some type of epoxy grout or similar. The important thing is to fill them so that everything has a homogeneous and well sealed surface, without any kind of dirt or external agents.
In the third phase you will have to apply the continuous flooring system chosen, after a base coat for ensure maximum adhesion between substrate and finish.
Similarly, when finishing the application of any flooring continues, it is advisable to add the final finishes to enhance the effect of the desired characteristics.
The development and installation process is not complex, but requires clear respect for all steps , especially the first and preparation of the media. After all, it is easy to start using a continuous floor.
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